November 22, 2012 ? 8:46 am
One of my favourite things about being a writer is when you get ?so into the zone? you lose time, you lose sanity, you lose yourself.
When I had to juggle my writing with the full-time day job, before the full-time day job became a writing one, the being in the zone was what made life bearable, but it was constantly being?interrupted?by intrusions from the ?real world.? I remember how I used to be sat here writing from 5 am until I ?knew at 7.30 I had to pack up the laptop and get ready for my lift into work. Resentment.
Then at least I still had half hour, because I got to work early, to write in a lovely quiet office before?they?came and that means my colleagues and so I would have to wait another 90 mins before I could write again. More resentment. I used to?fantasise?that I was really working in an office of creative writers and instead of discussing the?adjustment?curves and poor calibrations of problematic immunodiagnostic kits, we were actually discussing problems in?narrative?voice or ways of fixing faulty plots! Really! Not that I was obsessed or anything! And when I knew I was having to pull myself from the zone to do science things?this buzz would be in my fingers and my mind was having to be forced away from the call of the work in progress to the?other work in progress. But when an idea hit, as it will, there I was sneakily scribbling on a piece of paper. Oh don?t get me wrong I did often find my zone in the day job as well, and it was writing, only science speak, but it was still a form of writing never the less.
At break I had the office for 20 minutes to write. But then I had 90 mins until lunch and a girl has to eat so I couldn?t write then so that was the biggest gap and I had to wait until afternoon break to write again. By the time I went home I had clocked up about 3 and a half hours ?in the zone? before I then could do more in the evening although that was often publishing stuff for Bridge House.
No wonder they all thought I was obsessed with writing.
But is there any other way to be?
I probably only do the same amount of my own writing, or less as now I divide my day into my own writing and my paid critiques and edits etc but now I can?discuss problems in?narrative?voice or ways of fixing faulty plots! Okay so not in an office with other people, but now I have so many writing friends and friends who do the same job as me,?Facebook?is my office, my way of connecting to people who do what I do. Weird in it?
But I am living the dream and now if the muse takes me and I find myself in the zone, well I can stay there, I don?t have to let the other stuff intrude.
And that feeling of losing time, losing sanity and losing yourself is now my job
No going back now.
To infinity and beyond ?
Filed under Writing, freelancing, Publishing, Short Stories, Novel writing, Facebook, Social networking, Learning to be a writer, time to think, making money from writing, Winning, being a successful writer, Passion for writing
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