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The Law On Immigration In London | welcome to ...

If you?re intending to move then there are possibly heaps of questions which can be left un-answered. The most important person you need to definitely contact in case you choose to relocate is certainly an immigration lawyer. The immigration policies are different from one country to another. For anybody who is in London or expecting to move to London, then Immigration lawyers London are available to help you.

So what exactly does an immigration lawyer do? London immigration lawyers will assist you to apply for citizenship or residency. The immigration lawyer will make sure you get citizenship within the law. There are instances where people have secured citizenship unlawfully without their awareness, and only afterwards find themselves in trouble. The immigration lawyers have extensive expertise regarding the documents for immigration. The lawyers won?t just stop at that, but they will even make sure that you get accustomed to the cultures of the place you are migrating to.
Maybe you are not the only one migrating but your loved once or rather you are migrating with your loved once.

Its never that simple to migrate with your family particularly if you are going to do so permanently. The immigration lawyers will help you to fill all the necessary forms plus guide you on some options you should look into. The immigration lawyers will ensure that you secure all the identification documents and in addition enable you get permit that will allow you to operate or get an employment in London.

Immigration lawyers are important. One presumption that lots of immigrants make which often turn out costing them a great deal is that they dont need an immigration lawyer. Many individuals believe that they can just read the guidelines presented on the web fill the immigration applications without troubles. Exactly what these individuals dont understand is that a number of the information are not straightforward and may call for a legal councils guidance. The ideal London immigration lawyer is aware of the cogs and wheels of the whole process. They are certainly not a mandatory to be included in the overall process nevertheless; it is actually totally unmanageable for someone to go through the whole process without the assistance of a legal counsel.

There are ways through which one can seek the assistance of an immigration lawyer and get their immigration application approved. One of the ways is seeking out an immigration lawyer while you are still in the region you want to migrate from. The alternative approach is relocating to London in the form of nonimmigrant and thereafter work your way out from there.

In conclusion, anytime you choose to migrate by no means waver to seek the expertise of an immigration lawyer. In some instances your immigration application could possibly be rejected and with your minimal knowledge in regards to immigration laws you may not understand the reason. By having an immigration lawyer you will have an easy ride. In some cases those of you that have got immigration differences then London immigration lawyers work most effectively in order to handle your case at a court.

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Discussing Sci-Fi Storytelling & World Building with Writer Jon ...

by Brandon Lee Tenney
May 21, 2012

Prometheus is coming. It's merely weeks away. And to say my hopes are interstellar-ly high would still, somehow, be an understatement. Thankfully in this interim before I get to soak my brain in Ridley Scott's latest sci-fi odyssey, I've had something in my back pocket to get me by, that today, with this article, I'm going to share. It's a taste of the very beginnings of Prometheus from the man in the very engine room of the ship itself. Screenwriter Jon Spaihts speaks more clearly and deftly about writing than almost anyone I've heard. He's the credited writer of The Darkest Hour and co-credited with Damon Lindelof on Prometheus, but it's his unproduced sci-fi work for which he's most known and for which he has become so sought after.

One of his unproduced scripts, Shadow 19, is a big, bold sci-fi head-trip that toys with the basest notion of man versus self versus nature while exploring a side of teleportation that no other film has even attempted to traverse. And then there's Passengers. Passengers is one of the best scripts I've ever read. It's beautiful. It's simple and complex at once. It's the story of a man who's awoken too early from suspended animation in the middle of a 120+ year interstellar journey. He's alone. But it's his decision whether or not to awaken another for company that sets this story apart. The small, laser-focused character story, the relationship drama of that moral dilemma, set in relief against the huge, sci-fi spectacle is awe inspiring.

That's what Jon Spaihts does best. He creates worlds. Worlds we haven't seen before or have only seen in passing, but haven't yet truly explored. He builds environments for his characters to inhabit that mean just as much as the characters themselves. When we first sat down to discuss Prometheus and his science fiction work, it's that knack for world building and set-up that I was most curious about. So, to kick things off in our discussion, I asked Jon just where he starts his stories when a new story needs starting. Let's begin:

When you are ready to write something, do you look at characters first or do you look at the world you are writing in? (When you are creating a new story.)

Jon: It's a good question. And I think, for me at least, a story is never born the same way twice. But if I had to guess the form the process most often takes, it would be that I begin with a predicament. And almost instantly that predicament calls into being a character who answers that predicament appropriately.

In Shadow 19, a soldier sends essentially clones of himself on a suicide mission again and again, each clone knowing a little bit more, having trained a little bit more, armed a little bit better, until finally one of those clones completes the mission and comes home again, which was never supposed to happen. The character you need to send into that predicament must be a superlative soldier, because that's the virtue on the basis of which he's been called, and he must be arrogant and unwounded, untouched, a perfect solider so that in this crucible, this hell world to which he's sending copies of himself, he is humbled, he is broken, he is wounded, he becomes wiser and comes home a better man than he left.

So, to some extent, the predicament dictates the character. In Passengers, a colony ship is flying to another world on a 120-year voyage and 30 years in, while everyone else is sleeping in suspended animation, one man wakes up too soon. And he's got to live out his life alone on this ship and die of old age before they arrive at their destination. What kind of man should that be? That guy needs to be the fellow who struggles a little bit with his own feelings so that the experience of isolation and solitude bear on him and sort of force him to become a philosopher over time. But he can't begin a philosopher, or he wouldn't have a sufficiently difficult time.

He needs to have a yen in his heart for love so that his isolation weighs on him so that he will go and seek love, which leads to the moral crisis of the film. And he should be a guy who will try to fix his predicament technically and fail. He needs to try to get out of his problem and be unable to, which boxes him into his moral dilemma. So he's a mechanic, but not at a gifted starship-building level. He's not a nuclear physicist or a rocket scientist. He is just a mechanic. So he's got a shot of improving his lot in some ways. And maybe, if everything breaks right, at saving his life somehow. But it won't be easy. His tool set is insufficient to the task. And so he's far outside his comfort zone.

And there again, I feel like the kind of guy that hero needed to be was called for, summoned out, really, of thin air by the predicament itself.

He'd have to be someone who's willing to leave earth behind, too.

Jon: Right, exactly. He's got to be somebody who'd go get on a colony ship, leaving his entire life behind so that everyone he knows will age into old age and die before he arrives. It's a grand kind of geographical suicide. And it takes some kind of break, some kind of... more than an impulse. Some real need and a yearning to lead someone to such breaks. And yet, people have done it all the time. In older days of immigration, many people from poor families in Europe came to the United States for the first time. They came a long ship's journey that took every penny they had, with no prayer that they would ever be able to afford the journey home or that any of their relatives would follow.

They might receive a few letters, but many of those early immigrants from poor families were essentially committing suicide out of their own world to be reborn in a new world. And that impulse fascinated me. And it becomes a through line of Passengers. And that's the feedback cycle that, if you tap into it the right way, will deeply enrich your story. The predicament gives birth to a protagonist. Your protagonist character then informs a story. And if you just map the predicament without giving thought to that character, you come up with a certain scaffold. But following that character's heart, that character's bliss, that character's fear and flaws through the course of the story, you generally come up with surprising events and shapes you didn't expect when you were first outlining your technical predicaments. The two things interweave in a really beautiful way if you've got the balance right.

I think no matter how dazzling a cinematic background you lay behind a story, you are only going to invest to the extent that you connect to the characters you are watching. There are three motives of story that matter: having something that you hope for, having something that you fear, or having a burning question that you need answered. Any one of them is sufficient. If you can have more than one of them running at one time, or all three?you can be afraid of one thing and fearful of another and desperate to understand some mystery that's been dangled in front of you, then you are maximally engaged, all three motors running.

Lacking those three motors, what you've got is idle curiosity. "What's going to happen next? And now what's going to happen?" And idle curiosity is a very weak form of engagement. I guess you can sprinkle a little salt on that if you are putting a technological spectacle in front of the audience where they say, "Well, what can they do now? Now what can they do?" And you sort of see planets cracking in half and things transforming into robots, and what have you.

But you bleed for a story when you see someone striving to rescue someone they love, or someone making a horrified realization that they are not who they thought they were, or that they have to make a devastating moral choice. You get into a story when it shows you a horrible new fate that can befall someone. And suddenly, a hero you've come to know is fleeing a kind of fate you never imagined before. That's investment, where you are given things to hope for, things to fear, things to wonder at.

The other thing science fiction gives you is the emotional correlative. We all experience the daily events of life rather cataclysmically. We're fired from our jobs, we get dumped by someone we love, we chase some dream and it falls into our hands, we kiss someone we've had a crush on for a long time, something irreplaceable breaks. These experiences we have, we experience cataclysmically. It's as if one thousand-foot chasms opened up in front of us or colossal tidal waves crush us and the moon fell from the sky. We feel like that. We feel transformed into monsters.

And science fiction allows you to externalize those commonplace emotional experiences, those commonplace emotional extremes with comparatively extreme macro events; the world can reflect your internal experiences proportionally. And I think that's what science fiction does when you are doing it best.

I don't mean to jump into discussing Prometheus too early because this is such a great topic. But I asked Jon, because the way he is describing it is perfection in designing a script. But I wonder, with Prometheus, did the world come first? Did he have to say, "We exist in this Alien universe. How do we build around it?" Or did you go into it with that predicament and those motors first. And obviously, I don't want to ask what it was specifically, because we'll eventually find out...

Jon: The universe of Alien comes with rules of two kinds. It has a certain technical lure, which has become canonical and was very well known by large population of fans. So you have to play according to those rules. It also comes with narrative archetypes. You can't return to that world and do a musical comedy, or a western, or a straight detective story, because what's the point? The world contains not only trappings of science fiction, but trappings of narrative. There are archetypes, dualities.

In the universe of Alien, you look hard at the duality between humanity and the beast. You look hard at the duality between humanity and artificial man, the android. And that duality is always present in an Alien film. You look hard at the duality between humanity and the corporation. And that duality is always present, that rift. I think those forces need to be active in any story you tell in the Alien universe or you are breaking the franchise.

So without tipping my hand about the nature of the dilemmas that called the characters forth, there definitely was a landscape of narrative that was kind of binding. There was going to be a corporation. There was going to be artificial humanity. There was going to be an alien menace. And there was going to be remote interstellar travel. There are also things that I think are hallmarks of Ridley's seminal first Alien film that you want to pay homage to in any film that returns that that universe.

I think the story properly told in that universe, the menaces should be few in number but very terrible. The world should be dark and claustrophobic, and there should be many shadows and hiding places. You should be removed and isolated with no hope that help will come. You should be confronted by a sense not just of menace, but an ancient menace of stories set in motion long before your arrival that are bigger than you. I think all of those are qualities of that first film that it was very important to me to honor going forward, or in this case, going back.

So, from his answers so far we have the very seed of Spaihts' worlds: the predicament that calls forth the characters most?and, at first, least?suited to deal with that particular predicament, which then leads to the motors of placing those characters in situations where they will, if done correctly, hope for one thing while fearing another all while attempting to answer a burning, fathomless question. (Continues below.)

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus

What, then, does Spaihts look to for his inspiration? What is the world inside his head populated with so that he can then populate the worlds before our eyes? And what about the world of science fiction (and movies) in general: what has changed? How is it evolving? Will we see more "space operas" again?

Jon: Well, the stuff that is most evocative for me is the science fiction that I was reading when I was a kid, which was the postwar short fiction and Cold War short fiction that was written in a world still trembling from the aftermath of WWII and the Cold War that followed.

And in that time we saw one of the most monumental depictions ever of humanity's ability to be utterly inhuman to other human beings. The possibility of genocide at an industrial or planetary scale. We saw atomic bombs used in war, weapons of mass destruction that beggared the imagination. And then we saw even greater weapons tested. The hydrogen bomb became real and two vast super powers scrawling over the globe, arming themselves with these weapons, and the possibility of destroying our entire planet became not just believable but real.

And, at the same time, the space race began in a technological push that was inextricably tied up with the arms race between the Soviet Union and the US. We put men on the moon and looked outward at Mars and the prospect of space travel became grippingly real at the same time. And Star Trek is born in that era. So, there was this incredible tension in the psyche of every thinker in the world between the yawning abyss that had just opened up, the possibility of real destruction, real evil, civilization ending cataclysms. It put the end of the world in everybody's mind. And, at the same time, this infinitely beckoning of possibility of outward flight, new worlds, infinite future was opening up.

So we felt the pull in both directions. And I think it created vast science fiction. I think the science fiction of that era remains some of the most powerful that's ever been written. Since then, we've become less macrocosmic.


Jon: Yeah. We went through John Varley to William Gibson and Neal Stephenson; we looked inward. We looked inward at hacking the body, inward at hacking the brain. We dove into cyberspace. We got into the micro rather than the macro. We tunneled down into the code, into the dysgenic spiral, into the cells. And there are great questions there of identity, of the soul, of what's biological real, what the nature of humanity is precisely. But we lose the scale of the space opera that preceded it.

I suppose what I am striving toward is a revival of the scale of the space opera in the light of all these newer developments. So I don't want to lose cyber punk and I don't want to lose web head thinking. I don't want to lose hacking the body and all of the rich questions those things bring. But I want to bring back the macrocosmic space opera with high concept driving that story.

Is there a certain amount of hope in space opera as well?

Jon: Yes. It has that techno-optimism.

Something like Arthur C. Clarke's Rendezvous with Rama is all about that hope of new life and discovery, but the insidious nature of the unknown. And that's what space opera is, and that's what I've been missing. And it's so refreshing and wonderful to hear that want to revive it.

Jon: When you look at Rendezvous with Rama, you see a tremendous tale of hope. Here's the work of a civilization far greater than ours capable of manufacturing artificial worlds and sustaining life in one way or another for eons between the stars, and are presumably engaged in travel and colonization of new worlds.

And, at the same time, the spacecraft explored in Rendezvous with Rama is utterly alien, and unknowable, and unfamiliar, and therefore frightening. It existed on a scale that suggests terrifying things about its creators.

Just in its potency makes it plain that there is, or at least was, some race of beings out there that could swat us like fruit flies, against whom our best tricks would be the tricks of children. And that's terrifying. Even if they are benevolent, that's terrifying.

Not to get too off topic, but at the end of that book, what's so powerful is that they could swat us away like flies, but they don't even care to.

Jon: Yeah, we are literally flies.

They don't even... we think they are here for us. But we're just another blip for them. They're going somewhere else we can't even know...

Jon: And we just crawl around like bugs on their spacecraft for a pinprick of time and disappear again. We're not even a glitch in the program.

Is that more terrifying? I mean, I think so.

Jon: The great fear and great dream of science fiction is that we long to be significant. The Matrix?fantastic high concept science fiction?and the horror in The Matrix is of office-cubicle insignificance of a rat race of anonymity, of being lost in the hum of modern life somewhere in an office building, in a cubicle, facing a laptop; you are nobody. And then, of course, the great fantasy of The Matrix is rising to upmost significance, to world altering messianic significance. What if you were not just someone, but "the one"?

He's referenced some amazing works, both on the page and screen so far. But so then how does he tackle the unknown in writing sci-fi? (The unknown being such an important part of the Alien franchise, after all.) I next asked Jon specifically: "How do you display... how do you make your readers and then potentially the audience in the theater, feel the unknown if it is in fact the unknown?"

Jon: Well, in many ways I think the less said the better when you are walking in those fields. If you want to scare people, you do so more effectively with the implied than with the shown, very often, in the same way that a noise in the dark is frightening because it engages the imagination. An incomplete story or a thing incompletely shown more readily begets fear, terror, and a sense of granger.

So you use the tools of cinema and storytelling to set the scale of events. You show them a vast space. You give them a great noise. You let someone speak about terrifying ideas, colossal spans of time; things that are not necessarily big spatially or temporally, but can be big in their significance. The ability to make blasphemous alterations in the human essence, the human spirit, the human body. Those are horrific things. The ability to alter your memories, your soul, your character, your nature, to hack inside your head, to tamper with the input of your senses?those are terrifying things.

You set that stage and then you signify what's happening in a way that allows the imagination of the audiences to complete the experience. And you don't over tell, you don't over show.

So, then, how does one know what to show? And when one knows what to show, how does one avoid or build upon what others have already shown? Can science fiction avoid repetition anymore? Should it?

Jon: It's a split answer because one utterly true answer is that you can't. No one does. It's all been done before. There's nothing new under the sun. I do believe that's true. You can find some parallel to anything in some other work. But what people object to is not some fanatic resonance with another work or some literary parallel with another storybook film. What people object to is the sense in their gut and the visceral feeling that we've been here before, that this is just that place again; a kind of d?j? vu.

And that, I think, is mostly a danger when there is a confluence of cues lined up together to feel like you are looking at a scene you've looked at before. That means not just a similar chain of events in a similar rule set, but also treated with a similar style, maybe framed in a similar language, maybe even lit or colored or musically backed the same way. When a filmmaker is consciously or unconsciously leaning hard on specific material, the audience can smell that. If you're just seeing similar patterns emerge in storytelling, it's sort of mythical resonance, and that's in the nature of storytelling itself.

The trick is to be alert... I think really the unconscious quotation is really more dangerous than the conscious. The critical thing is to audit yourself always for inadvertent borrowing, because that's where you are going to get in trouble?when something comes to you naturally and you feel ownership of it because it's down in your bones, and you fail to realize that it came to you because someone gave it to you one, or five, or ten years ago, and it lives in your subconscious now. And that is a tricky process.

Everybody's heard stories of a songwriter who wrote a brilliant tune and then had a friend tell them that that was a Sinatra song, you asshole. As storytellers, we are subject to that same pitfall all the time. All you can do is be alert, try to be awake to it.

That's the delicate ground Spaihts walked on while writing Prometheus and then, later, while working with Damon Lindelof and Ridley Scott to actually see the movie to fruition. But Prometheus is not just another Alien film. It's of its own accord, called by its own name for a reason. Jon Spaihts is hyper-aware of that. And, well, after talking with him?and hopefully after reading what he said, above, you do too?I trust him explicitly. Is it?June 8th, yet? Why the hell does it even matter, then?!

We'll find out all the answers in just a few more weeks. Thanks for reading this discussion of worldbuilding, science fiction, and, really, screenwriting craft with writer Jon Spaihts. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed discussing with Jon. Look out for more coverage of Prometheus and, specifically, more from our in-depth conversation with Jon Spaihts in the coming weeks. Yes, there's more! You'll want to read all about his breakdown of just what the Alien franchise means to us today, the archetype of the android throughout sci-fi film and literature, and just how this journey with Ridley Scott all got started. Then,?of course,?once you've read all that, look for Prometheus in theaters June 8th. Unless you plan on entering?hyper-sleep between now and then. But careful, I hear the process still has a few bugs to work out.

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Joplin commemorates anniversary of deadly tornado

This three-photo combo shows a scene taken on May 23, 2011, top, July 21, 2011, center, and May 7, 2012, bottom, shows progress made in Joplin, Mo. in the year after an EF-5 tornado destroyed a large swath of the city and killed 161 people. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

This three-photo combo shows a scene taken on May 23, 2011, top, July 21, 2011, center, and May 7, 2012, bottom, shows progress made in Joplin, Mo. in the year after an EF-5 tornado destroyed a large swath of the city and killed 161 people. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

President Barack Obama greets students before the Joplin High School commencement, a day before the anniversary of the twister that killed 161 people, Monday, May 21, 2012, in Joplin, Mo. Obama jetted to Joplin to deliver the commencement address immediately after wrapping up the national security-focused NATO conference in Chicago, the second international summit the president hosted over the past four days. (AP Photo/The Kansas City Star, Rich Sugg, Pool)

In this photo taken Tuesday, May 8, 2012, a new home rises among ruins of others in a Joplin, Mo., neighborhood which was destroyed by an EF-5 tornado nearly a year ago. Reconstruction continues in the community as the anniversary of the costliest tornado on record approaches on May, 22. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

In this photo taken Monday, May 7, 2012, Mark Norton places flowers on the Webb City, Mo., grave of his son Will Norton, who died a year ago when he was sucked out of his car on the way home from his high school graduation by an EF-5 tornado that tore through Joplin, Mo. nearly a year ago. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

(AP) ? A day of solemn remembrances and forward-looking celebrations is planned Tuesday as Joplin commemorates the anniversary of a tornado that ripped the city in half.

The May 22, 2011, twister was the nation's deadliest in six decades, killing 161 people, injuring hundreds more and destroying thousands of buildings, including the city's only public high school. Groundbreaking ceremonies are scheduled at three sites for replacement buildings, including Joplin High School's future home.

Gov. Jay Nixon, who joined President Barack Obama on Monday night as a Joplin High School graduation speaker, plans to attend a sunrise service and "journey of healing" at Freeman Hospital honoring the city's medical workers and volunteers who have aided the recovery. The hospital has seen a surge in use after the tornado destroyed St. John's Regional Medical Center, which has since occupied a succession of temporary facilities but is being rebuilt at a new location ? and renamed as Mercy Hospital Joplin.

A 4-mile unity walk through some of the city's hardest hit neighborhoods begins at 2 p.m. in neighboring Duquesne, where more than one-fourth of the community's 750 homes were destroyed and nine people died. The Joplin portion of the walk begins past a Wal-Mart where 200 people survived the storm by huddling together in employee break rooms, bathrooms and other designated safe zones. Three people, though, were killed inside that store.

The walk will conclude with a moment of silence at Cunningham Park at 5:41 p.m., the precise time when the EF-5 tornado packing 200 mph winds hit Joplin. The city park, which is across the street from the hulking remains of the St. John's hospital, has since been rebuilt.

While many of Tuesday's events will reflect upon the past year, community leaders are also looking ahead toward what is bound to be a long recovery effort.

In January, elected officials and other members of a 45-person recovery committee endorsed a long-term recovery plan that calls for the creation of four new business districts that would allow residents to live and shop nearby and a unified approach to rebuilding that ensures new construction meets certain design standards.

In March, the city hired Wallace Bajjali Development Partners, of Sugar Land, Texas, as its "master developer" to oversee the rebuilding plan.

The day's events are also expected to attract some of the more than 130,000 volunteers who descended on southwest Missouri from across the country to help out. That group includes a contingent of bicyclists who left New York City's Central Park nearly three weeks ago on a Cycle for Joplin fundraising ride organized by a group of former Joplin residents known as the Joplin Expats.

Associated Press

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রবিবার, ২০ মে, ২০১২

I'll Have Another wins Preakness, Triple try next

Jockey Mario Gutierrez, left, aboard, I'll Have Another, reacts after crossing the finish line in front of Bodemeister, right, ridden by Mike E. Smith, to win the 137th Preakness Stakes horse race at Pimlico Race Course, Saturday, May 19, 2012, in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

Jockey Mario Gutierrez, left, aboard, I'll Have Another, reacts after crossing the finish line in front of Bodemeister, right, ridden by Mike E. Smith, to win the 137th Preakness Stakes horse race at Pimlico Race Course, Saturday, May 19, 2012, in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

I'll Have Another, left, ridden by Mario Gutierrez, left, crosses the finish line ahead of Bodemeister, ridden by Mike Smith, to win the 137th Preakness Stakes horse race at Pimlico Race Course, Saturday, May 19, 2012, in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

I'll Have Another (9), ridden by Mario Gutierrez, beats Bodemeister, ridden by Mike Smith, to the finish line to win the 137th Preakness Stakes horse race at Pimlico Race Course, Saturday, May 19, 2012, in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

I'll Have Another (9), ridden by Mario Gutierrez, beats Bodemeister, ridden by Mike Smith, to the finish line to win the 137th Preakness Stakes horse race at Pimlico Race Course, Saturday, May 19, 2012, in Baltimore.(AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

(AP) ? I'll Have Another did just that, winning another Triple Crown race with even more flash and dash than he did in the Kentucky Derby.

By bolting past Bodemeister ? again ? this time in Saturday's Preakness, all that stands in the way of racing glory is the Belmont Stakes in three weeks.

Win that and the smooth-striding 3-year-old will find himself in the company of Secretariat, Seattle Slew and Affirmed, the last to win thoroughbred racing's most coveted prize in 1978.

That's heady company for a colt who has yet to be favored in any of his seven races. That should change in the Belmont.

"We're thinking Triple Crown, baby," elated winning trainer Doug O'Neill said. "He's a special horse. We'll see how he comes out of it, and if he comes out of it in good shape, we're heading to New York, baby."

I'll Have Another won by 1? lengths in the Derby and by a neck in the Preakness ? the same margins Affirmed posted in wins over rival Alydar in those two races 34 years ago.

But there's one big storyline difference this time: Bodemeister is skipping the Belmont. "He's getting off the bus here," trainer Bob Baffert said.

The 1 3-16-mile Preakness unfolded the same way as the 1?-mile Derby, with the speedy Bodemeister moving to the lead under Mike Smith and I'll Have Another hanging back in fourth in the 11-horse field. The early fractions were slower than the Derby, but when it came time for Bodemeister to dig in, it was I'll Have Another who found another gear under young jockey Mario Gutierrez and surged past the tiring pacesetter in the shadow of the wire.

Since Affirmed became the 11th Triple Crown winner, 11 horses have won the first two legs only to come up short in the 1?-mile Belmont, the longest of the races also known as the "Test of the Champion." The most recent try came in 2008, when Big Brown was pulled up around the turn for home and did not finish. Before that, Smarty Jones was run down in the final 70 yards by Birdstone in the 2004 Belmont.

With the colorful and controversial O'Neill squarely in the limelight, scrutiny is sure to intensify about his violations for allegedly giving his horses improper drugs. He was fined $1,000 and suspended 15 days in one incident. He is contesting another.

"We know we play by the rules," O'Neill said. "It's all about the horse, and we're just going to focus on the horse."

I'll Have Another has made a habit of close calls. Before the Triple Crown began, the chestnut colt won the Santa Anita Derby by a nose over Creative Cause. As usual, owner Paul Reddam wasn't sure his colt would come through this time.

"I didn't feel confident we were going to get there until 10 yards from the wire," Reddam said. "I wasn't sure that we would get there, but I knew that our horse had a lot of heart and a lot of fight."

With a record crowd of 121,309 watching, I'll Have Another was sent off as the second choice at 3-1, with Bodemeister the 8-5 favorite. The winning time was 1:55.94.

I'll Have Another paid $8.40, $3.80 and $2.80. Bodemeister returned $3.20 and $2.80, and Creative Cause paid $3.60 to show.

Zetterholm was fourth, followed by Teeth of the Dog, Optimizer, Cozzetti, Tiger Walk, Daddy Nose Best, Went the Day Well and Pretension.

Baffert, a Hall of Famer and five-time Preakness winner, thought his colt ? named for his 7-year-old son, Bode ? would outlast I'll Have Another.

"I felt really good about where he was," Baffert said. "I really thought he was going to do it. The winner is a good horse. He should get the respect now that he deserves."

The victory was worth $600,000, boosting his earning to $2,693,600. Not a bad return for Reddam, who bought the colt for $35,000 on the advice of O'Neill's brother, Dennis.

"He showed he's the real deal. He's a real race horse. He gutted it out," Reddam said. "The other horse was not stopping. He ran a bang-up race, to come and catch him, how can you criticize that? For those who have followed the horse and bet on him, that's been pretty rewarding. I don't know if that will be the case next time, though."

I'll Have Another could have plenty of company for the Belmont, including some familiar foes from the Derby: third-place finisher Dullahan; seventh-place finisher Union Rags; eight-place finisher Rousing Sermon and 12th-place finisher Alpha. Other possibles include Paynter ? trained by Baffert ? and Peter Pan winner Mark Valeski.

Gutierrez, who was riding at Hastings Park in Western Canada until showing up in California last winter, displayed the calm and cunning of a veteran.

"It's not me, it's him. It's all about the horse," the 25-year-old jockey from Mexico said. "He just keeps proving people wrong. I'm so happy for him because he's such a great horse. He has a tremendous kick in the end."


Associated Press

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Report: Taliban, Afghan troops forge agreements

By msnbc.com staff

Members of the Afghan army are forging secret alliances with the Taliban, threatening to undermine the ability of Afghan authorities to maintain control just as?NATO troops prepare to hand over power to the country's security forces, Britain's Sunday Times reported.?

In Ghazni province an hour from capital Kabul, Afghan army lieutenant Mohammad Wali admitted to the newspaper that he and a local Taliban commander were working together. (The Sunday Times operates behind a paywall)

"We lost seven men in an ambush when I first arrived at the base," Wali, who commands 18 men, told The Times. "So I thought, why risk my life when there's another way?"

The two share intelligence about military operations and?plan to loot Nato supply convoys and divide-up the proceeds, the newspaper reported.?

Wali told the newspaper that he met the local Taliban chief in a bazaar, where the two agreed a ceasefire and plans to ambush NATO convoys on the Kabul-Kandahar highway.

"The plan is simple," Wali told the newspaper. "When the Taliban attack the convoys we stay in our bases. If the Taliban capture something valuable then they share it with us later."

Local Taliban commander Mohammad Hassan told The Times that?he had hit dozens of convoys in this way.

Forget protests: NATO summit's problem is Afghanistan

Around 20 percent of NATO supply convoys come under attack in Afghanistan, the newspaper reported. NATO and the government of President Hamid Karzai have down-played down the significance of such ceasefires and informal agreements, it added.

Violence erupted in Kabul just hours after President Obama's visit to Afghanistan where he signed a peace deal with the country's president, Hamid Karzai. Rick Tyler of the pro-Newt Gingrich Super PAC, Politico's Maggie Haberman, The Hill's Karen Finney, and The New York Times Magazine's Hugo Lindgren discuss US ties with Afghanistan.

However, at least one recently returned officer said such agreements seemed to be commonplace.?

"In almost every combat outpost I visited, troopers reported to me they had intercepted radio or other traffic between (Afghan forces) and local Taliban making mini non-aggression deals,"?Lt. Col. Daniel Davis told the newspaper.

NYT: US-led imperative in peril as trained Afghans turn enemy

In its own internal assessments, NATO acknowledged that that?there has been a "conspicuous increase" in intelligence indicating cooperation between the Nato-trained Afghan security and the?Taliban, according to the newspaper.?

The Pentagon has said that the performance of the Afghan?National Security Forces (ANSF) are key to the success of the handover. ?

"The ANSF, now responsible for leading security for almost half of Afghanistan?s population,?partners with (NATO forces in Afghanistan) on nearly 90 percent of all coalition operations, of which the ANSF is the?lead for more than 40 percent of those partnered operations," according to the Pentagon's 'Report on Progress and Stability in Afghanistan.'

Motorcycle bomber kills 10 in eastern Afghanistan

Despite the Pentagon's claims, almost all of the joint activities were simple operations,?Michael O?Hanlon, a?defense?expert at the Brookings Institution, who visited Afghanistan last week, told The Times.?

The Washington Post's Eugene Robinson and Politico's John Harris talk about support pledged by President Barack Obama to allow economic help and keep resources in Afghanistan until 2024.

Reports that some Afghan security officials are colluding with insurgents is sure to cause worry as NATO?nations meet in Chicago to discuss the future of the war-torn country once 130,000 NATO?troops leave.

While some troops from NATO?countries will most probably stay behind after 2014, local forces will be expected to bear the brunt of the fighting and security operations, and stop the country from sliding into civil war.?

About 3,000 foreign soldiers have died in Afghanistan since the war began after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

More world news from msnbc.com and NBC News:

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Best bets: 'House' hangs up stethoscope

By Gael Fashingbauer Cooper

It's time to say farewell to Dr. Gregory House, and hello again to "Men in Black" Agents J and K. And if you think you've heard some rustling under your floorboards -- it may not be mice. Read on for our top three entertainment picks of the week.

1. MONDAY: "House" series finale
If your hands are suddenly covered with boils, or you haven't slept in 10 days, or your daughter mysteriously collapsed while on a merry-go-round, you want to get Dr. Gregory House. For eight seasons, Hugh Laurie played House, the Sherlock Holmes of medicine,?a cranky, cane-using doc who could diagnosis even the most bizarre condition. Laurie's always been surrounded by an excellent supporting cast, especially Robert Sean Leonard as soft-spoken oncologist Wilson, the Dr. Watson to Laurie's Holmes. And now as the show wraps up for good, Wilson himself has been stricken with cancer. How will House deal with the possible loss of the only friend he's really ever had? Get out the Kleenex and don't miss your chance to see the crotchety but brilliant doctor one last time. (May 21, 8 p.m., Fox.)


2. TUESDAY: "Secret World of Arrietty" on DVD
Perhaps the best?children's movie?to hit U.S. theaters in 2012?is "Secret World of Arrietty," a wonderful Japanese animated film based on Mary Norton's childhood classic "The Borrowers." There's no violence, no swearing, no sex, and not even anything too scary, but the film paints a beautiful world of little people living under our floorboards and coming out at night to sneak sugar cubes and tissues. When a young boy awaiting a serious operation discovers a young Borrower girl, Arrietty, they strike up a sweet and innocent friendship that has shattering repercussions for the little people. The film doesn't talk down to kids -- adults will enjoy it too.?(Out on DVD May 22.)

3. FRIDAY: "Men in Black 3"
The great thing about the "Men in Black" series was how it created a universe that seemed normal, but just below the surface was a roiling Crazyland. The series features talking pugs, tabloid headlines that are truer than anything run in the real papers, memory-wiping devices and, of course, Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones in sunglasses and dark suits as Agents J and K, monitoring extraterrestrials on Earth. In this, the third "Men in Black" film, J finds himself in a universe where K has been dead for 40 years, and he must?time-travel?to 1969?to bring his partner back. (In theaters May 25.)

Will you miss "House"? Share your favorite memories of the show on Facebook.

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Article Marketing Blogs ? Starting an Internet Marketing Business ...

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012 at 12:19 pm ?

One of the most common and free methods to starting an internet marketing business are article marketing blogs. If you are really passionate about the prospect of starting an online business from scratch, and turning nothing into something, you will find a link at the bottom of this article to help you get started. It requires little to no money to start, and if you find a good niche market, it is not unreasonable for a determined individual to make a 5-figure monthly income.

First understand that this is a real business that requires hard work. It is unrealistic to expect that you will be the next internet marketing guru on your first campaign, but with the right tools, guidance, and most important of all, the determination to TAKE ACTION daily and never give up, you will succeed! This is the pattern of success in anything you do in life. Set your goals and take action daily.

There are literally thousands of companies looking for ways to increase their work force and promote their products, a huge selection of the digital variety. One way they are accomplishing this is through affiliate marketing. The beauty of affiliate marketing as opposed to a more traditional store-front business is that you can promote an infinite number of products without ever owning or warehousing them ? no overhead.

Once you have found a product or products to promote, the next step is building your online store-front. Like I mentioned earlier, one of the common methods is article marketing blogs. Let?s say you use an acne product that you just love and find an affiliate program for it. You would write an article explaining how the product helped you, and how it can help your potential customer with their acne problem.

If done correctly, they would click on a link to your blog where they would find additional information and finally click through to the product sales page. If a sale is made you get a commission. Simple, right? Well there?s more to it than that, but you get the gist.

Your goal and real challenge with article marketing blogs is in driving traffic to your blog or website. More and more people are turning to the internet to spend their dollars. You need to capture these potential customers and drive them to your blog or website. Article marketing is a proven method for accomplishing this and is used by many of the top internet marketers today.

As mentioned earlier, article marketing blogs have the potential of generating a considerably large passive income every month, but simply setting up a blog or website is not enough. There are numerous other factors like search engine optimization, link building and social bookmarking just to name a few.

I have only scratched the surface on how to make a profit with article marketing blogs. The techniques and tools needed to truly succeed and grow your online business cannot be enumerated in this article alone though.

I run a website that helps people just like you get started in internet marketing. Please visit InternetMarketingforNewbs.com to find information on starting an online business from scratch. You will find resources to all the tools, training, support, and services needed to help you succeed.

Author: B. Keahi
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
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India Ink: Indian Airlines Snub Europe's Emissions Rule

May 16, 2012, 12:59 am By THE NEW YORK TIMES

Indian and Chinese airlines failed to submit carbon-dioxide emissions data for 2011, ?disregarding European rules that seek to expand the region?s emissions trading system to include aviation,? Bloomberg News reports.

There has been ?systematic non-reporting? of emissions to and from Europe from 10 airlines based in India and China, the European Commission said Tuesday in a statement on its Web site.

The European Union expanded its Emissions Trading Scheme in January to include airlines, Bloomberg reports. ?The new rules require carriers to submit data on their carbon emissions for last year, although carbon permits are not required for 2011 emissions.?

The inclusion of airlines in the E.T.S. triggered opposition from countries including the United States, China and Russia. They said the European Union should let a United Nations agency, the International Civil Aviation Organization, decide on greenhouse-gas limits for the industry.

The Chinese and Indian airlines represent less than 3 percent of the sector?s emissions, said Connie Hedegaard, the European climate commissioner. Eight airlines in China and two in India have until mid-June to submit the data, she said. The remaining airlines reported last year?s emissions by the March 31 deadline, the commission said in the statement. More than 1,200 emissions reports have been submitted from airlines, it said.

Read full article here.

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Germany's energy transition: 1 year later

Germany's energy transition: 1 year later [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-May-2012
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Contact: Andrea Deierlein
German Center for Research and Innovation

Twenty-six years after Chernobyl, one year after Fukushima: Throughout modern history, global attention to energy procurement has spiked following large-scale nuclear disasters. Yet even before the accident in Japan, the German government had advocated a switch to alternative energy sources. The events in 2011 again stressed the importance of finding new, safe, sustainable, and efficient energy supply options. Germany responded to the heightened international focus on energy procurement by turning to a fast-paced nuclear phase-out program. By 2020, the German government plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% compared to emission levels in 1990, and to expand renewable sources of electricity by 35%. The last nuclear power plant is scheduled to be shut down two years later, in 2022. By 2050, Germany plans to be 80-95% below 1990 CO2 emission levels and to derive 80% of the nation's electricity from renewables. In research and technology, the government's High-Tech Strategy has identified climate and resource protection in power generation as one of its five key areas of focus. Several government-funded projects and initiatives, for example, aim to improve the effectiveness of organic solar cells, develop new energy storage technologies, and CO2 reduction concepts to achieve the High-Tech Strategy's objectives by 2020.

Join Prof. Miranda Schreurs, Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre and Professor of Comparative Politics at the Freie Universitt Berlin, as she examines the rationale and mechanisms for achieving these goals and describes plans for assessing the success of Germany's energy transition program. Earlier this year, Prof. Schreurs was appointed by Chancellor Angela Merkel to the Ethics Commission on a Safe Energy Supply, charged with advising the German government with advice regarding energy questions in the post-Fukushima era. In addition to her positions in university research, Prof. Schreurs was also appointed as a member of the Advisory Council on the Environment, a consultative committee of the German Federal government. In 2011, she became chair of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils, a network of advisory councils across Europe.

The lunch discussion will take place on Monday, May 21, 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., at the German House New York (871 United Nations Plaza, First Avenue, btw. 48th & 49th Streets). It is jointly organized by GCRI and the American Council on Germany. To RSVP by May 18, click here: http://secure.jotformpro.com/form/21234728595964. A video recording will be available on http://www.germaninnovation.org shortly after the event.


The German Center for Research and Innovation provides information and support for the realization of cooperative and collaborative projects between North America and Germany. With the goal of enhancing communication on the critical challenges of the 21st century, GCRI hosts a wide range of events, from lectures and exhibitions to workshops and science dinners. Opened in February 2010, GCRI was created as a cornerstone of the German government's initiative to internationalize science and research and is one of five centers worldwide.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Germany's energy transition: 1 year later [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-May-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Andrea Deierlein
German Center for Research and Innovation

Twenty-six years after Chernobyl, one year after Fukushima: Throughout modern history, global attention to energy procurement has spiked following large-scale nuclear disasters. Yet even before the accident in Japan, the German government had advocated a switch to alternative energy sources. The events in 2011 again stressed the importance of finding new, safe, sustainable, and efficient energy supply options. Germany responded to the heightened international focus on energy procurement by turning to a fast-paced nuclear phase-out program. By 2020, the German government plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% compared to emission levels in 1990, and to expand renewable sources of electricity by 35%. The last nuclear power plant is scheduled to be shut down two years later, in 2022. By 2050, Germany plans to be 80-95% below 1990 CO2 emission levels and to derive 80% of the nation's electricity from renewables. In research and technology, the government's High-Tech Strategy has identified climate and resource protection in power generation as one of its five key areas of focus. Several government-funded projects and initiatives, for example, aim to improve the effectiveness of organic solar cells, develop new energy storage technologies, and CO2 reduction concepts to achieve the High-Tech Strategy's objectives by 2020.

Join Prof. Miranda Schreurs, Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre and Professor of Comparative Politics at the Freie Universitt Berlin, as she examines the rationale and mechanisms for achieving these goals and describes plans for assessing the success of Germany's energy transition program. Earlier this year, Prof. Schreurs was appointed by Chancellor Angela Merkel to the Ethics Commission on a Safe Energy Supply, charged with advising the German government with advice regarding energy questions in the post-Fukushima era. In addition to her positions in university research, Prof. Schreurs was also appointed as a member of the Advisory Council on the Environment, a consultative committee of the German Federal government. In 2011, she became chair of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils, a network of advisory councils across Europe.

The lunch discussion will take place on Monday, May 21, 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., at the German House New York (871 United Nations Plaza, First Avenue, btw. 48th & 49th Streets). It is jointly organized by GCRI and the American Council on Germany. To RSVP by May 18, click here: http://secure.jotformpro.com/form/21234728595964. A video recording will be available on http://www.germaninnovation.org shortly after the event.


The German Center for Research and Innovation provides information and support for the realization of cooperative and collaborative projects between North America and Germany. With the goal of enhancing communication on the critical challenges of the 21st century, GCRI hosts a wide range of events, from lectures and exhibitions to workshops and science dinners. Opened in February 2010, GCRI was created as a cornerstone of the German government's initiative to internationalize science and research and is one of five centers worldwide.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

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Box: The Path From Arrington?s Backyard To A Billion Dollar Business

aaron-dylanIt's no secret that many deals have been struck and key relationships formed at TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington's former house in Atherton. In case you aren't familiar, Arrington threw epic parties at his home for the tech community in the early days of TechCrunch. Police were called, booze was flowing, people passed out. I don't have enough fingers to count how many times I've spoken to a Silicon Valley entrepreneur or VC who said he or she used to frequent Mike's house parties back in the day. Clearly this was the place to be for anyone looking to meet their next investor, acquirer, co-founder etc. And that's exactly what Box co-founders Dylan Smith and Aaron Levie were thinking when they showed up to Mike's house in early February 2006 for the Naked Conversations TechCrunch Party. It was in Mike's backyard where they met then Draper Fisher Jurvetson partner Emily Melton. Beers in hand (actually only Levie was of age-barely, so Smith was drinking water), the pair pitched Melton on their idea. She was so impressed and their passion for what they were building cloud storage, that she immediately introduced them to the DFJ partner covering SaaS and enterprise investments, Josh Stein, who months later led Box's first round of institutional investment.

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Happy Mother's Day: A Tribute to Celebrity Moms!

Mother's Day is a wonderful celebration honoring our moms and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society in general.

Here at THG, this means a little tribute to some of the celebrity moms we've come to know and love ... and also a bunch who could use some improvement.

On this 13th day of May, take a look at a 13 popular THG celeb moms (and 13 more who also have kids) in the poll below and vote for your favorite (and least favorite):

Blue Ivy PhotoJessica Alba and DaughtersObama Family Portrait 2011Jennifer Garner and DaughterWill, Jada and FamilyBrangelina, Kids PicGwen, Zuma and KingstonJim Toth and Reese Witherspoon

Who's your favorite celebrity mom?

Who's your least favorite celebrity mom?

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রবিবার, ১৩ মে, ২০১২

Audi e-bike W?rthersee lets you pop wheelies eco-style, plays nice with your smartphone


We're no stranger to e-bikes here, but most of the examples we've seen so far have very much been meant for A-to-B rides. Audi's aiming to fix that with its e-bike Wörthersee prototype. The carbon fiber transport not only has a strong 2.3kW motor -- the most powerful ever in a bike, so says Audi -- but can use that power for tricks. You can flick the Wörthersee into a wheelie mode and either shift your weight around or leave it fully automatic, depending on the fierceness of your stunt skills. Not that it'll be a timid ride if you prefer to keep both wheels on the ground, as a motor-assisted pedaling mode will take you up to 50MPH, and you can still ride at 31MPH if you're not keen on using your legs. That's faster than the already speedy Grace One City we tried, folks. The vorsprung durch technik also comes through a smartphone tie-in, although in a much more stunt-savvy way than the app- and tuning-focused Ford E-Bike Concept: it tracks video and trick runs, both for its own game system and for bragging rights on Facebook.

With a very light 3.5-pound carbon fiber frame and a quick 2.5-hour charge-up time, the e-bike Wörthersee sounds like a wild ride that will charge quickly enough for a spin on your lunch break, but we wouldn't rush to put down a deposit. Audi is calling the prototype a "show bike," which is a sign than the design as-is won't show up at the local sports store. We'll let you know if the Wörthersee or a more pragmatic descendant makes the leap to a dealer.

Continue reading Audi e-bike W?rthersee lets you pop wheelies eco-style, plays nice with your smartphone

Audi e-bike W?rthersee lets you pop wheelies eco-style, plays nice with your smartphone originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 11 May 2012 19:24:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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